Services That We Provide

Comprehensive Care Team Visits

Our comprehensive care team, consisting of hospice physician, nurse, medical social worker, home health aide, and chaplain/spiritual adviser, provides dedicated support with regular visits to your location. Whether it's medical attention, emotional support, or spiritual guidance, our team is committed to ensuring your comfort and well-being.

Individualized Rehabilitation Services

Benefit from personalized physical and occupational therapy tailored to your specific needs within our hospice care program. Our skilled therapists utilize advanced techniques to enhance mobility, strengthen functional abilities, and promote independence. Whether you're recovering from injury or managing chronic conditions, our rehabilitation services are designed to optimize your overall well-being and quality of life within a compassionate hospice environment.

Specialized Speech-Language Pathology Services

Our hospice program offers dedicated speech-language pathology services to address communication and swallowing difficulties. Our experienced pathologists provide personalized assessments and therapies tailored to your unique needs, focusing on enhancing communication skills and improving swallowing function. With compassionate care and specialized interventions, we strive to support your overall well-being and quality of life throughout your hospice journey.

Brief Inpatient Support

Our hospice program offers short-term inpatient care when effective pain and symptom management is challenging to achieve at home. This temporary support provides specialized care in a hospital setting to ensure your comfort and well-being during this critical time.

Grief Support

Our Hospice program offers caring counseling for patients and loved ones, guiding them through anticipatory grief. Family members receive support for up to 13 months after a loss.

Symptom Management and Pain Relief

Benefit from our specialized medication services aimed at providing comprehensive symptom control and effective pain relief. Our experienced healthcare team ensures personalized care tailored to your needs, prioritizing your comfort and well-being.

Medical Equipment and Supplies

Our facility offers a wide array of essential medical equipment and supplies to support your care needs. From hospital beds and wheelchairs to oxygen tanks and catheters, we ensure that you have access to everything necessary for your comfort and well-being. Our dedicated team will assist you in selecting the appropriate equipment and provide guidance on its use, ensuring that you receive the highest standard of care.

Personalized Dietary Counseling

Within our hospice program, we offer tailored dietary counseling services to address your nutritional needs and goals. Our experienced counselors provide individualized assessments and recommendations, taking into account your specific medical conditions and preferences. By focusing on promoting optimal nutrition and well-being, we aim to support your overall comfort and quality of life during your hospice journey.

Customized Medicare Services

Our hospice program provides tailored Medicare-covered services to manage pain and symptoms of terminal illness. Recommended by our experienced team, these services are designed to address your unique needs, ensuring comfort and support throughout your journey.

Temporary Respite Care

Our hospice program provides short-term respite care for family caregivers to prevent or address "caregiver burnout." This valuable service offers temporary relief, allowing caregivers to recharge while ensuring uninterrupted care for their loved ones.

Join Our Volunteer Team

At Fast Care Hospice, we deeply value the contributions of our dedicated volunteers, who play a crucial role in providing compassionate care to individuals and families facing end-of-life challenges. Our volunteers offer companionship, emotional support, and practical assistance to patients and their loved ones, enriching their lives during difficult times. Whether it's spending quality time with patients, providing respite for caregivers, or assisting with administrative tasks, each volunteer brings a unique gift that positively impacts our community. No prior experience is necessary – just a compassionate heart and a desire to make a difference. Join us today and become part of a supportive and caring team dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for those we serve. Sign up below to start your volunteer journey with us.

What's not included in hospice care?

  • Treatment, including prescription drugs, intended to cure a terminal illness or other illness unrelated to the terminal diagnosis unless the other illness is causing increased symptom burden.
  • Prescription drugs and supplies prescribed to treat an illness or condition unrelated to the diagnosis that qualifies the person for hospice.
  • Room and board in a nursing home or hospice residential facility.
  • Care in an emergency room, inpatient facility care or ambulance transportation, unless it is ordered by or arranged by the hospice team.

We Care About You
